Comedian Charlie Ballard's mother, Beulah, is back on the powwow trail getting ready for the Gathering of Nations Powwow 2016 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Beulah is returning to GON for the 3rd straight year with her massage booth, look for her in the traders tent, stop by say hello and get a massage!
Beulah will be giving a special massage deal to dancers attending GON2016, mention for discount!
In the mean time, check out the Powwow Comedy Sketch videos that she made for Gathering! See you on the powwow trail!
The LuLu – Charlie Ballard's mom getting her lulu ready!

Laughing Boy – If you guys don't believe how great this video is, look at her Great Grand nephew – Malakaih Josiah, cracking up while watching it, adorable !! Share this video with your young kids and for those young at heart and we bet, they'll have the same reaction too! #aho

Indian Taco – Beulah finds a clever way to make an Indian Taco.

Round Dance – her Round Dance that went viral last year.

Last Updated on February 7, 2024 by Paul G