2025 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow – North America’s Largest Pow Wow

2025 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow – North America’s Largest Pow Wow

North America’s Largest Pow Wow
April 24 – 26, 2025
Powwow Grounds Expo New Mexico/Tingley Coliseum
Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A.

PowWows.com will stream the Pow Wow and Stage 49 live!

What to Expect

🔸 Dance and Drum Competitions – Witness incredible talent as dancers and drummers from hundreds of tribes come together to compete.

🔸 Stage 49 – A showcase of Indigenous musicians and performers.

🔸 Indian Traders Market – Shop from hundreds of vendors offering authentic Native-made goods, from jewelry to artwork.

🔸 Food and Fun – Taste traditional dishes and enjoy the festive atmosphere!

Gathering of Nations Information

Recommended Reading About Gathering of Nations

2025 Pow Wow Poster

2025 gathering of nations pow wow

The Annual Gathering of Nations Pow Wow will begin on Thursday, April 24, 2025, with the Miss Indian World Traditional Presentations at the Albuquerque Convention Center – Kiva Auditorium.  Tickets for this event are $15.   

The Gathering of Nations Pow Wow is Friday & Saturday, April 24 – 26, 2025, on the “Powwow Grounds” at Expo New Mexico/Tingley Coliseum in Albuquerque, NM.  The Gathering of Nations Pow Wow is open to everyone and encourages all to experience the sights, sounds, and immersion of culture through traditional & contemporary Native American song, dance, music, art & food. The event is family-friendly, also features the enchanting and reverent Teepee Village, the largest wooden Teepee structure, Native American Horse & Rider Regalia Parade on Main Street, the Indoor Indian Traders’ Market, with over 300 crafter and artisan vendor booth, and the various local, national, and International musical bands/performers on Stage 49. Tickets for the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow start at $25 for an all-day admission.

Considered the most prominent Native American event in North America, the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow will host tens of thousands of people and bring together over 700 tribes from the US, Canada, and Indigenous people from around the World.  This three-day event will include more than 3,000 traditional Native American singers/drum groups and dancers competing for prizes. The Native Food Court will offer a large variety of food selections ranging from Southwestern-style cuisine, traditional Native American fare, including the favorite Frybread and Indian Tacos.  This year the Gathering of Nations will expand the food court to include local food trucks and food vendors offering healthy food options.  Must see and amazing photo opportunities at the Gathering of Nations Powwow are the Traditional Horse & Rider Regalia Parade, celebration the pride and heritage of the horse culture among many tribes, the Crowning of Miss Indian World (Saturday, April 27 in the evening), and of course the main events of the traditional dancing and singing inside Tingley Coliseum.

This past April 2023, the Gathering of Nations celebrated an attendance record of over 105,000 attendees and over 4 million people watching the live stream from around the world: once again bringing people together at North America’s Biggest Powwow.

A highlight of the Gathering of Nations is the Crowning of Miss Indian World.  Native American women between 18-25 years-old vie for the Title of Miss Indian World, compete in several culturally based competition categories (interview, public speaking, dance, essay, and traditional talent); each contestant’s presentations are representative of their respective tribes.  Miss Indian World serves as a representative of Native and Indigenous people as a cultural goodwill ambassador. The Miss Indian World Pageant is not a “beauty pageant”, it is exemplary of Native American Culture and identity presented from the perspective of Native American women.

Advance ticket sales for the Miss Indian World Traditional Presentations and Gathering of Nations Powwow, along with camping (on the grounds at Expo NM with amenities) will begin November 1st on the Gathering of Nations website, www.gatheringofnations.com.  Tickets start at $25 for one day, offering two-day passes as well as VIP seating.  Tickets are always available for purchase at the event.  General parking is available at Expo NM.   Links to camping, hotels, and all other details, visit the Gathering of Nations website.  The Gathering of Nations Pow Wow ensures a safe and fun environment for everyone. 

More Pow Wow Information

Gathering of Nations Impact

gathering of nations pow wow impact

Gathering of Nations Videos

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Gathering of Nations Photos


2024 Gathering of Nations Live Stream Stats


Last Updated on December 29, 2024 by Paul G

9 Comments on “2025 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow – North America’s Largest Pow Wow”

  • Avatar for Emma Darce

    Emma Darce


    The Powwow event, I don’t see it as a show or celebration but as a gathering of owners of the land & guardians of nature. What an honor to be surrounded by the chosen ones.

  • Avatar for Aaron H.

    Aaron H.


    This had to be one of the worst gatherings I have been to. This has no reflection on The participants they were great. The Organizers should all be fired, total chaos, nothing working, totally disorganized, Gates were to open at 10 am that was a joke, they could not make up their mind on which line you were to stand in. Give you wrong dated tickets to enter. stood in the rain about 3 hours while they would let some people in and others not. We even had vendors standing behind us that could not get in. No information for people to know what was going on where to go or what to do. Once inside the gates you were on your own to figure out where you were to go. Finally got a program guide helped some. Once in the stadium and found a seat and for 3 hours constant people traveling back and forth blocking your view on 75% of the show. Photos were next to impossible to get with the constant traffic. The security team did try to keep people from standing for periods of time. We counted 10 to 15 times a the same person or persons would travel in front of you blocking your view. There was no reason for this kind of situation. I understand needing to get a drink or restroom break but this was a constant flow of people. I do not know why they were there, they sure was not enjoying the show. Many tribal people left totally frustrated and said they would never come back. Likewise a total waste of my time, money and 1726 miles to show up. I have no intentions of showing up, sponsoring or supporting this show in the future. We did not even attempt a second day after our experience on the Friday. Motor scooters, a trolley, or something of this nature should be entertained in the future. This is a lot of walking for handicapped, children, elders, or for that matter all of us. If a person is not allowed to leave the event and come back, they should be allowed to bring their own water; over $7.00 a bottle for water is unacceptable. The market/craft booths might have been interesting but it was way too cramped and too little space. We finally gave up as you could not close enough to see what they had or you were pushed to the side. I had plenty of intentions to purchase many Indian items and that could not happen. Maybe if they would have opened the gates on time so you could do so before the pageant, Again, the Indians participating were awesome – wished we could have had a clear view for the whole thing.

    • Avatar for Veronica Jackson

      Veronica Jackson


      Hello! I agree with everything you pretty much said. Last year’s gathering was our very first time. We were able to make it in the last day though. We were looking forward to being there all three days but was unable to. However, it was a bit chaotic and they did open late not on time. Believe this can happen at any large event. Everything you described was right on the nose. What I don’t understand is why we were are unable to leave and come back through out the day, especially for the elder and handicapped people that need a break and able to come back later in the day. I think we long as you have your bracelet on it shouldn’t be a problem. We should be able to considering we pay good money already. Also, the fact that water bottles were very expensive, $7 is a lot for a 12oz water bottle, I could understand $3.50-$4 because after all it is an event and people need to make money. I would rather bring my own empty bottle and fill it up on the water fountains that were available. I don’t even buy water bottles at home, unless I’m having a party. Participants competing in events inside that coliseum were sitting among the crown and getting dressed in front of you and you would miss everything because you couldn’t see anything. It was annoying and the bathrooms were just the same. You couldn’t use the restrooms because people were getting dressed there too. Suggestion, They should have a tent for women and one for men so that participants can get dressed there and not in front of other people blocking views 90% of the time and people could actually use the restrooms. However, some bad experiences can come out of situations and that’s normal, but I would definitely hope that these organizers actually listen to and take in consideration our feedback and suggestions. I will be there again this year for the second time and I hope it’s better that last year. I will continue to support my native and indigenous brothers and sisters. 🙏❤️

  • Avatar for Cynthia Fletcher

    Cynthia Fletcher


    949969 Bonus code…thank you!

    • Avatar for Paul G

      Paul G


      Thanks for entering the PowWows.com contest.

      Bonus codes will be posted in several places, you have to keep an eye out for them. These will include newsletters, live streams, select articles and other places.

      To enter the code visit the entry form here:

      After you enter your name and email, look for “Bonus Entry Codes”.

      You can enter multiple codes, but only use each code 1 time.

      To see which codes you have credit for, click on “Your Entries” at the top of the entry. This will list out all the ways you have earned entries.

      If you are having trouble with a code, send me a screenshot of the “Your Entries” information with the code you are trying to use.

      Thanks and good luck!

      Paul G

  • Avatar for Peter-Paul C. Henze

    Peter-Paul C. Henze


    Could you please clean up the years in the dates given. I am confused if you are talking about last year’s big event in 2022 or the upcoming Wow Wow this year (2023). I loved, absolutely loved the 2022 event and am dying to attend this year.
    Thank you very much,

    • Avatar for Aaron H

      Aaron H


      The website needs major attention in all areas. Very poorly done.

      • Avatar for Paul G

        Paul G


        Thanks for the feedback. Could you give me some areas that you feel we could improve?

  • Avatar for Lori Costa

    Lori Costa


    Does the Dighton Council Oak still have Pow Wow’s? Located in Dighton, Massachusetts

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