The Fry Bread House in Phoenix, Arizona!!!

The Fry Bread House in Phoenix, Arizona!!!

The best place to buy an Indian Taco in Phoenix, Arizona., is the Fry Bread House which is currently on Hazelwood & N.7th St.  This awesome spot was created by the Cecilia Miller family (Tohono O'odham) and is only one of five Native American restaurants ever to win the prestigious James Beard Award for being an, “American Classic” , (wikipedia) .  The Fry Bread House is considered a staple in the Phoenix Indian community because it's known as a gathering place for people to spend time with their friends & family.

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Alright, now let's get to it!! Here are some menu recommendations from the staff of and Fry Bread House!

The Fry Bread House has an extensive menu for its fry bread foodies, on our first night we started with the classic Indian taco – beans, meat, cheese, tomato, and lettuce.  I always ask for salsa, red or green sauce on the side because that's how I roll.  The size of this fry bread was state fair size and every bite was mouthwatering.

For this region of Indian Country, the preferred texture is light, crispy and golden brown, and yes it was !!!!!  I was fortunate to spend time with another one of their cooks – Jerry Martinez, and he informed me that one of Cecilia's greatest accomplishments was being able to put her kids thru college from her fry bread business. 

For me personally, I finally got to eat Chumuth!  I went to Native American boarding schools with many folks from the Tohono O'odham Nation and I always heard them talk about how good their Chumuth was, so guess what was on the menu!  For those of you not familiar with Chumuth, it's basically a tortilla!  And like it says on the menu below, it's a large hand stretched tortilla flipped out on a Kamal (hot steel disc).  For those of you who know how to make good fry bread, try stretching your talents sometimes by making tortilla's, (I think I just made a pun, get it, try stretching your talents because you have to stretch tortilla's when you make them .. hahahahah .. I thought it was funny).  The recipe is pretty much the same as making fry bread but with less water and you add lard to give it that stretchiness.

And here you go, hand made Chumuth (tortilla)!  I like to dip my tortillas in different sauces so I requested some red Chile meat, green sauce, and butter on the side. And the results were, O-mazing!

Moving on, the #2 dish in Indian Country is Stew & Frybread!  Here at the Fry Bread House, they use New Mexico Chiles to flavor their stews & meats! And like it says on the menu below, their Red Chile Stew is spicy and D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S !!!!  Both the Red Chile Stew & the Red Chile Meat Frybread Taco top our recommendation list because it went down smooth & easy.

Fry Bread House Staff:  Clarissa Gordon (Navajo): Her favorite item on their menu, Ultimate Taco with Green Chili Beef.  Clarrisa has been with the #FBH for two years and enjoys working with customers! Shout out to her family in Klagetoh, Arizona!

Fry Bread House Staff: Erick James (Navajo): His favorite dish is Hominy stew with plain fry bread, Erick recommends the Ultimate Taco with Green Chili Shredded Beef.  We asked Erick to describe the Fry Bread House and he said, “Great food, great people …”  Add Erick on Instagram: @erickxjames

Fry Bread House Staff: Kris Harris – Head Chef (Tohono O'odham): “I just want to give all my blessings and gratitude to my wife, family & friends for all their continued support …”

The Fry Bread House truly lives up to their sweet & savory reputation, we didn't get a chance to try the sweet part of their menu but you can bet, we'll be back! #frybreadhouse

Lastly, as you enter the Fry Bread House, look for the man and the maze motif in place of the welcome mat. For those of you not familiar with the Tohono O'odham man & maze symbol, it represents the four stages of the human being life journey, from baby, to teenager, adult & elder stage. #beautiful #nativeway #indianway #frybread4life #foodforthesoul

Thank you Fry Bread House for your wonderful food & hospitality!

Last Updated on August 21, 2024 by Paul G

2 Comments on “The Fry Bread House in Phoenix, Arizona!!!”

  • Avatar for Margaret Goforth

    Margaret Goforth


    My best friend is Navajo… he’s truly been my rock and salvation during a pretty emotional time in my life… he’s not had fry bread since he left Arizona a few years ago and I would truly like to learn to make this for him…I know I have a lot to learn but I really want him to know how much his support and friendship has meant to me and giving him a piece of home is my way of doing this….so…I’ve looked all over the internet for a true traditional Navajo fry bread recipe but have yet to find one that I think would be it…any direction you can give me would be so much appreciated…

  • Avatar for Una Yazzie

    Una Yazzie


    Shaupi masma! Just thought I would say congratulations on your success! When will we have a Fry Bread House here in Tucson? Your menu sounds very scrumptious!

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