Taboo Brings Marvel Characters To Indian Country With New Comic

Taboo Brings Marvel Characters To Indian Country With New Comic

Red Wolf, a Marvel comic that has been around since its debut in 1970 and was published in Avengers #80, is getting revamped by writers Ben Jackendoff and Taboo Nawasha—from the Black Eyed Peas—and will be titled Werewolf by Night.

The original Red Wolf was the first Marvel comic to feature a Native American superhero and Werewolf by Night will continue the story through a Native lens, which is very important to its authors.

In an interview, Taboo stated:

“I have been doing everything possible to connect with my Indigenous heritage, and this comic book, ‘Werewolf by Night,’ tells a Native story. To have this type of Native representation in the Marvel comic world, will help Native youth to know they matter, they are important. Through artistry and more, we hope to inspire them.”

He also said that because he is Native American himself, he wants to ensure that the comic does not portray any stereotypes surrounding the Native characters or scenes.

Taboo and Jackendoff are going above and beyond to build a project of perfection along with one that Native communities can look up to and be proud of.

“Throughout the entire process, we have been seeking the advice of cultural advisors and seeking blessings in Indian Country. As these stories have been written in this comic, we have adjusted them or made changes after meeting with trusted Native advisors to make sure we are doing everything possible in the right way.”

Ben Jackendoff, who is a comic writer and producer living in Los Angeles, has thoroughly enjoyed his time working with Taboo on this project as well as is enthusiastic to “bring Marvel characters to Indian Country.

“It is great to see a Native American hero on the Rez in a Marvel comic book. It doesn’t get better than that,” says Jackendoff.

Now it is just a waiting game to see the final product. Marvel fans, Native Americans, and Marvel fans who are Native Americans are ready to read about Red Wolf’s new adventures.

Excited to read the Werewolf by Night miniseries the second it comes out?

To see a full list of all Marvel comics that include Native American superheroes…read this Indian Country Today article on the topic.

Last Updated on January 9, 2024 by Paul G

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