What Do Native Americans Think of Thanksgiving?

What Do Native Americans Think of Thanksgiving?

You've probably seen these Cut videos pop up in your newsfeed from time to time, such as the 100 Years of Beauty in 1-Minute, or the American Kids Try Food from Around the World clips.

Recently they tackled something a bit more serious in tone by asking Native Americans to do word association with specific words such as Reservation, R*dskin, Columbus and Thanksgiving.

Here's their video for One Word: Thanksgiving.

What do you guys associate Thanksgiving with?

Last Updated on October 9, 2018 by Paul G

About Toyacoyah Brown

Toyacoyah Brown is an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation, currently living in Chicago. She received her B.A. in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.A. in Media Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. When she's not scouring the Internet for fun things to share with PowWows.com readers you can find her digging for vinyl in her local record store or curling up with a good book.

6 Comments on “What Do Native Americans Think of Thanksgiving?”

  • Avatar for Running Doe

    Please include me in all the news and what’s happening.

  • Avatar for M Begay

    M Begay


    It is obvious that the much younger ones can deal with the word better than the generation before them. Too often Native leaders teach a form of belief that alienates young people from the world and their own people. They are taught to live with a chip on their shoulder about what was lost and can never be returned, so they are owed something. A perfect teaching for failure, which is what is happening to young Native Americans in the Americas. The system is failing and that is why 60% of Native Americans live OFF the reservation. They want a happy life without the chip of the past weighing them down. Many do not live on Native lands because the older ones are holding so tightly onto the land that their own family members aren’t even welcome. On the Navajo Rez, thousands of acres of land with only old ones living there with no welcome smile for their own family.

  • Avatar for Epikghout Ekpakohak

    Epikghout Ekpakohak


    Please include me in all the news and what’s happening.

  • Avatar for ElGuapo4Ju



    You should have asked me that question. I say put that on the polls on Facebook for the world to see and them wait for everyone to answer your question. I’ll save my answer till that occurs.

  • Avatar for Larry pepin

    Larry pepin


    A Lie about how Great the English & Americans claim they treated Native Americans with brotherhood and Kindness and made it a Holiday day [HOLLOW DAY!} Yes a Great day for Friends & Family get together for stuffing are faces & togetherness! I just true equality was celebrated Then,Past Today % in the future!!!

    • Avatar for Shawna



      I totally agree with Larry. My great great grandfather walked the trailvof tears.
      Am I the only one who fears this happening again by letting all these foreigners in?

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