Tag: powwowdancestyles
The Native American Chicken Dance
/ | 1 Comment on The Native American Chicken DanceAre you familiar with the Native American Chicken Dance? No, this is not the corny chicken dance people do at skating rinks and school dances. This chicken dance is one of the oldest and most symbolic dances known to many Indigenous Nations throughout North America. And we’re not talking about….
Read more »Exploring the Rich Tradition of Straight Dance
/ | 25 Comments on Exploring the Rich Tradition of Straight DanceThe Straight Dance from Oklahoma Native American Tribes is a formal, tailored, prestigious form of southern dance clothes. The overall effect is of reassuring solidity, with everything closely matched and coordinated. It looks as if it is planned all at one time. This dance has evolved from the Hethuska Dances. ….
Read more »What is Native American Cloth Dancing
/ | 14 Comments on What is Native American Cloth DancingLadies Cloth is a form of Native American women’s dress and dance and has both a Northern and Southern style. The Southern style is danced by the Kiowas, Osage, Ponca, and others. The Northern style is danced by the Sioux, Crow, and others. The dance is a slow and graceful one….
Read more »Fancy Shawl Dancing | Women’s Fancy Shawl Dance History & More
/ | 19 Comments on Fancy Shawl Dancing | Women’s Fancy Shawl Dance History & MoreLadies Fancy Shawl is the newest form of Native American Women’s Dance, and is quite athletic! Fancy Shawl is often called Northern Shawl, as it does come form the Northern Tribes along the U.S. and Canadian Border. This is very similar in dancing and the bright colors to the Men’s….
Read more »Buckskin Dancing
/ | 11 Comments on Buckskin DancingOne of the oldest form of Native American Women’s Dance is Buckskin. This is a dance of elegance and grace. The movement is smooth and flowing. The ladies wear fine, hand-crafted buckskin dresses, decorated with intricate bead designs. Northern dresses are fully beaded on the shoulders, or cape. Southern ones,….
Read more »Native American Fancy Dance | What is Fancy Feather Dancing?
/ | 18 Comments on Native American Fancy Dance | What is Fancy Feather Dancing?The Oklahoma Feather Dance or “Fancy Dance” is one of the most popular styles of Native American dance and outfits seen at modern pow wows. The Fancy Dance outfit, as such, has no single Native American tribes. The “Fancy Dance” originated as Fancy War Dance by the Hethuska Society in….
Read more »Grass Dancing | Native American Grass Dancer Regalia, Info & More
/ | 14 Comments on Grass Dancing | Native American Grass Dancer Regalia, Info & MoreThough Grass Dancing was originally done as a Warrior Society Dance, it has evolved over the years. It has further evolved into a highly-competitive form of northern dancing. Grass Dancers always stands out by virtue of two things: his dancing style and his outfit. His dancing has been described often….
Read more »Northern Traditional Dancing
/ | 9 Comments on Northern Traditional DancingThe Northern Traditional Dancer is a modern evolution of tribal outfits from the tribes of the Northern Plains such as Sioux, Blackfoot, Crow, Omaha and others. Below is some information about the outfit’s parts. It must be stressed that this is only a brief description as variations do exist from….
Read more »Gourd Dancing
/ | 1 Comment on Gourd DancingGourd dancing is not a “pow wow style” of dance. Gourd Dances are held regularly by several groups, especially in Oklahoma. Today the dance is being done at pow wows before, after, and between intertribal dancing. The dance was resurrected by the Kiowa Tribe. Several tribes historically held Gourd Dances….
Read more »Jingle Dress Dance
/ | 18 Comments on Jingle Dress DanceAt Pow Wows the Jingle Dress is one of the most popular styles of dancing. You’ll hear them before you see them because of the dozens of metal cones attached to the dress. The sound is so unique, you know that a Jingle dancer is nearby immediately. Steeped in rich….
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