Native American Fancy Dance | What is Fancy Feather Dancing?

Native American Fancy Dance | What is Fancy Feather Dancing?

The Oklahoma Feather Dance or “Fancy Dance” is one of the most popular styles of Native American dance and outfits seen at modern pow wows. The Fancy Dance outfit, as such, has no single Native American tribes.

The “Fancy Dance” originated as Fancy War Dance by the Hethuska Society in Oklahoma. The individual who invented the dance was Gus McDonald. He was also the first World Champion Fancy War Dancer. The McDonald family, specifically Julep Farmer McDonald, the Ponca Tribal Matriarch still presents the trophy to the Fancy War Dance Champion each year because of this family honor.

Gus McDonald also invented the “feather pull” which is another contest of the Fancy Dancer’s agility and ability to keep time with the drum. This dance is done only by the permission of the McDonald family.

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The McDonald Family Song is also sung in honor of Gus McDonald’s honor to the Ponca tribe and to the pow-wow world. This war dance song is only started by the permission of the McDonald family and in their presence. Gus McDonald, Ponca and the first World Champion Fancy Dancer, should be recognized for his contribution to the Native American heritage and history.

The most obvious items in the Fancy Dance outfit are great amounts of loom beaded sets of suspenders, belt cuffs, headband, and armbands. The designs are usually matching in all items and of a rainbow feather or geometric design. Beaded medallions are on the forehead and bustles are also quite common.Occasionally a breastplate will be used in place of the beaded suspenders or in conjunction with them.The other trademark for Fancy Dancers is the use of large feather bustles. Currently most bustles are color-coordinated with the bead work by using large amounts of feather hackles dyed the appropriate colors.

Small matching hackle bustles are sometimes worn as armbands. Hanging beneath the bottom bustle is a pair of trailers, usually with some ribbon work, made from navy blue, black or red wool.

Moccasins are Cheyenne style rawhide sole and may be partially or fully beaded. Sheep bells mounted on leather are worn just below the knee and below the bells about one or two inches are worn angora anklets. The apron pieces (two) are usually navy blue, black or red wool or trade cloth. Decoration may be floral beadwork, ribbon work, or medallions. The apron is usually trimmed with ribbon or fringe. The side drops may be loom beaded strips or finger woven yarn. Chokers may consist of silk scarves, beaded strips or bone hair pipes. Necklaces with medallion drops are also seen. A standard porky/deer-tail roach with two feathers attached to a rocker assembly tops the head, often with decoratively trimmed side feathers. Each dancer carries either a loose or flat fan and often a tubular whistle. Ribbon shirts are becoming more common, as are matching cape and aprons.

The dance style is of two types: a basic simple step while dancing around the Drum and a “contest” step with fast and intricate footwork combined with a spinning up and down movement of the body.  This style of dance highlights the beauty of Native American culture.

Fancy feather videos

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Fancy Dance Photos

Last Updated on December 29, 2024 by Paul G

18 Comments on “Native American Fancy Dance | What is Fancy Feather Dancing?”

  • Avatar for Pepper Tieyah

    Pepper Tieyah


    I have a list of world champion fancydancers that have danced their way to world champion from the first world champion guys McDonald down to 2023 back to back world champion Silas white buffalo but there are sum years missing from that list I’m lookn for anyone but preferably older southern fancydancers that have participated in the ponca powow world championship is there anyone that can tell me who these years belong to: 1985,1991,92,93
    There’s much more older years from 1927-37 and that would be awesome to know who those years belong to and hopefully those years aren’t to far gone in history I would love to try and recognized and honor those champions if possible

    • Avatar for Paul G

      Paul G


      How can we help?

  • Avatar for Michael Kuhn

    I like the protocol of permission
    It’s always been a family upbringing of three principles to live by
    May I
    Thank you

  • Avatar for Ron Brave

    Ron Brave


    Let’s get back to the fancy dance. Great appreciation for the early movements of the fancy dance or war dance. Acorn Tyon, Norman Roach, Joe Bounty, Norman Newrider just to name a few of the early champions, and sp me of them still dancing today, are the ones give the grea t respect for bringing this dance to what it is today.

      • Avatar for Betty Flinchbaugh

        Betty Flinchbaugh


        I would love to see fancy feather war dancing on a TV program like dancing with the stars. The Regalia is so spectacular it would be something to see. I love the graceful way the dancers move and the flow of the feathers. To me it’s every bit in story telling as ballet.

        • Avatar for Pepper Tieyah

          Pepper Tieyah


          I’m not sure if you seen but your dream came to reality on America’s got talent, I’ve spoke to the contestant that had his family dance troop on the show and they could not go any further be cause the judges wanted to know more about the songs in order to understand the dance like what the meaning the song had or what tribe the songs come from so sadly the judges would not let them go any further but they were chosen to perform but on the other hand as of dancing with the stars would be really interesting being that there are people out there with rhythm and coordination to catch on to a certain type of native american dance other than the fancy war dance we have what we call street clothes contest whr the contestant is in street clothes but dancing a certain category they choose from and there’s sum that amaze the native american audience at that powow so dancing with the stars could be very interesting.

  • Avatar for nena benally

    nena benally


    I have 2 boys ages 3 and 2 whom I want to start learning to fancy dance. Could I get some info on how I would begin this?
    Thank you.

  • Avatar for A Fourkiller

    A Fourkiller


    KQ design is a good place to look.

  • Avatar for your mom

    your mom



  • Avatar for Kiamichi Camp

    Kiamichi Camp


    My grandmother’s name was Jewell, not Julep. She passed so now my dad and uncles give the trophy out. Just wanted to update this article a little 🙂 Love seeing all the fancy dancers out there!

  • Avatar for Steve A. Whiteshield

    Steve A. Whiteshield


    I had a real bad last couple of days……one of my brothers just died and his funeral was today……I couldn’t make the funeral…laid up at the local IHS.

    Just heard a song that lifted my heart,for that I thank you.

  • Avatar for alwynjeddore



    Hey, I’m 22 from eastern Canada. Don’t see many fancy dancers here at all in (Nova Scotia) but was looking to start, got my regalia all set and stuff but I just need hackles. Anyone know where I get can hackles in Canada besides ordering from Crazy Crow Trading post?

    • Avatar for Elizabeth



      I loved watching them when i was little and seeing all the pretty brothers wearied the fancy dancers out fit. And me and my sister wearied the shawl.thats jush how momma 👗 us.
      I dont dance any more but at powwow i will get my old butt out there.

  • Avatar for ken



    As a former champion fancy dancer, now in my 60’s, I have seen many, many fancy dancers and the one I feel is truly one of the top three fancy dancers is: Isiah Bob. This young man has such intricate footwork combined with speed and agility that I really enjoy this young man dance!

    • Avatar for Tristin



      I am looking to be a fancy dancer. is there anything I need to learn? I am 16.

      • Avatar for Paul G

        Paul G


        Yes, quite a bit!

        You should talk with local dancers. Also watch our videos on Pow Wow TV and participate in our Fancy Dance forum.

        • Avatar for Mashugashon Camp

          Mashugashon Camp


          I have left comments before my grandma’s name is Jewell and she passed away Now my dadad Craig Camp sr. and my auntie Casey Camp horinek hold the championship and give out the trophy

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