10 Native American Products on Etsy for Under $20

10 Native American Products on Etsy for Under $20

Do you shop on Etsy?

One of the biggest winners to emerge from the e-commerce boom has been Etsy. As you may know, Etsy is a global online marketplace, focused on handmade or vintage items. It's a great low-barrier platform for independent artists who want to showcase their work and make a little money by sharing their gifts with the world.

If you know where to look, Etsy can be one of the best places to find authentic Native American goods, handmade by indigenous people, in North America. Many people in the Powwows.com community are avid Etsy shoppers and know where to go to find the best deals on one-of-a-kind Native goods. If you're newer to the platform or just want to make more of a concerted effort to support Native artists, we've compiled a list of 10 of our favorite Native American products on Etsy for $20 and under. 

Take a look.

10 Native Products on Etsy for $20 or Less

Native Healing Balm - Etsy

1. Red Root Native-Made Healing Balms – $20

These natural healing balms, sold by Michelle and Major Robinson, owners of SageAndOats, are some of the most popular Native products on Etsy. And it's no wonder. They're hand-picked, hand-blended and hand-packaged, they smell incredible, and they come in nine different varieties, depending on your particular ailment: Fire Fighters Hands, Joint & Muscle Rub, Dry Cracked Hands and Feet, Refreshing Feet, Medicine Touch, Diabetic Balm, Warrior Women’s Healing Balm, Working Man’s Hands, and Respiratory & Chest.

And the best part? You're supporting Blackfeet Indian women, who make these balms from plants harvested near Glacier National Park. Try a few of the varieties or give them as gifts!


Dream Catcher

2. Navajo-Made 6-inch Dream Catcher – $18

This dream catcher encapsulates the beauty of the sacred legend. And you won't have to worry about buying a cheap mass-produced knockoff. Each product's feathers and beading is unique and handmade. And a Card and Certificate of Authenticity are included in each order.


Adidas Native Etsy Shirt

3. Native Adidas Feather Logo Tee – Starting at $9

Rep your Native heritage with this tee containing a playful spin on the Adidas logo. It's available in over 20 colors and in sizes ranging from baby onesie all the way up to adult unisex. 


North American Map

4. Native American Tribal Map – Starting at $15.85

This 1944 Historic Pictorial Map of the Indian Tribes of the United States is one of our favorite Native products on Etsy. It shows the land once occupied by various indigenous tribes. And it's illustrated with events, landmarks and points of interest, making for a great conversational piece. The upper and lower borders feature the names of well-known Native Americans. Order it in one of four sizes, all the way up to 24 x 36 inches.

It's essentially the print version of this map.


5.  Native Patches – NVTS

Give your vest, jacket, or bag an upgrade with these embroidered iron-on patches from the NTVS! Each one is stitched in great detail to match the same designs we carry in stickers, air fresheners, t shirts, and more. Easy to apply to fabric with an iron, sewing machine, or safety pins.

Patches measure ~4.25”x~3.5” at the largest.

Buy On Etsy

Native Herbs

6. Caŋṡaṡa Native American Ceremonial Herbal Blend – Starting at $18

If you're looking for something to burn for a ceremony or prayer, consider Caŋṡaṡa. This Native American ceremonial herbal tobacco, also known as Kinnikinnik or Mountain Smoke, emits a beautifully fragrant smoke that awakens the senses and leaves you feeling relaxed and at peace. Caŋṡaṡa is the Lakota word for “red willow,” which is the traditional and primary ingredient in this mix. Since the blend uses the inner bark rather than the outer bark of the red willow, you'll find it's much more aromatic and burns much more easily. This product does not contain any tobacco or tobacco products.


Smudging Sage - Native American Products on Etsy

7. Organic White Sage Bundle – $6.99

Every bundle of this 100% reservation-grown organic white sage is hand-tied and dried. It's perfect for smudging if you want to clear negative energies and cleanse the air in your home. Remember: sage has antiseptic properties, so it actually does purify the air and it smells incredible. 


Smudge Mug

9. ‘Good Day to Smudge' Coffee Mug – $18.75

This 11-ounce white ceramic mug reminds us that every day is a good day to smudge. This product has a C-handle with rounded corners. 

Don't like this mug? Here are 14 other Native American-inspired mugs you might like!



10. Native Seed Bead Choker – $9.99

This black, turquoise, red and white choker comes in five sizes and has a brass lobster claw closure. It perfectly straddles the boundary between statement piece and subtlety. Buy it for a friend who loves simple jewelry or enjoy it for yourself. Let's be honest: for this price, you can do both!

And if you want to learn more about turquoise jewelry, check out this post!



Last Updated on May 21, 2024 by Paul G

3 Comments on “10 Native American Products on Etsy for Under $20”

  • Avatar for jamie parker

    jamie parker


    The code above is invalid 921932.

    • Avatar for Paul G

      Paul G


      Thanks for entering the PowWows.com contest.

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      If you are having trouble with a code, send me a screenshot of the “Your Entries” information with the code you are trying to use.

      Thanks and good luck!

      Paul G

  • Avatar for Wendy Wilson

    Wendy Wilson


    The whale (?) in the top picture. Where can I get it???

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