My MMIWG Medallion is Famous! – Whoopi Goldberg Wears Beaded Medallion on The View

My MMIWG Medallion is Famous! – Whoopi Goldberg Wears Beaded Medallion on The View

One early afternoon, Mish Daniels, a member of Sagkeeng First Nation, was watching The View and noticed the jewelry that Whoopi Goldberg was wearing around her neck. It was her very own homemade piece that she had made! She screamed excitedly around the house—she couldn’t believe that her artwork had made it's way across the United States.

The beautifully colored beadwork, in the shape of a jingle dress dancer, was worn around Whoopi’s neck. The piece represents the Missing and Murdered Women and Girls in Indigenous nations, which Whoopi informed her viewers the following day on the same show when she wore it once again.

Daniels originally began selling the beaded necklaces at powwows and other small artist markets. She had sold one to a woman in British Columbia, who in turn ended up meeting and chatting with Whoopi at a hotel, where the two were attending completely different conferences.

According to the CBC article, Can't believe it': Sagkeeng First Nation beader's work ends up on Whoopi Goldberg's neck,

Goldberg, who Daniels said is involved in the MMIWG cause in the U.S., spoke with Greyeyes and told her how much she admired the medallion she was wearing. She talked about wanting to bring awareness to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in the U.S., and that gave Greyeyes an idea.”

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Greyeyes was extremely generous and gave her medallion necklace to Whoopi and immediately called Daniels incredibly excited. They were both on the edge of their seats as to whether or not Whoopi would wear the medallion on The View and discuss the issue of the missing and murdered women and girls.

And she did…and what a story she had to tell her friends!

Another fabulous thing that came out of the encounter aside from her medallion being on TV and Whoopi bringing more awareness to the issue, is that Daniel has had orders ringing in like crazy. This definitely has been good for business!

Read another article on Georgie Takei’s website titled Whoopi Goldberg Explains The Powerful Reason She Wore An Indigenous Woman's Beaded Necklace On ‘The View'—to read more about it all.

Not only is this an overwhelmingly powerful thing that Mish Daniels is doing, but it is also bringing her more business to increase her profit…it’s a win-win for Mish and the Indigenous community.

One Comment “My MMIWG Medallion is Famous! – Whoopi Goldberg Wears Beaded Medallion on The View”

  • Avatar for Lynette Paull

    Lynette Paull


    Thanks for including me and sending this news; I was watching the The View when Whoopie was wearing the gift. I was so surprise, I started yelling at the t,v, I was so glad to see the beadwork on t.v’ Lynette.

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