How Do I Find Out What Tribe I am From? – Native American Pow Wows

How Do I Find Out What Tribe I am From? – Native American Pow Wows

Researching your Native American heritage can be a complex task.  One of the most difficult parts if finding out what tribe your family is from.

Today you can use DNA testing to show you have some Native American blood, but determining what tribe that blood is from can take more time and effort.

Start At Home

You might not need to stress yourself over a little thing your uncles or parents might have an answer to. So, ask them questions. If your grandparents are still living, ask them about your family background. They have more knowledge about that than you do.  Branch out to other family members, someone else may have done the research before you.

Ancestry US

Use the Internet

There are more genealogy websites every day. Do not overlook them. These websites have a huge database of different tribes and their ancestors. You might be lucky to find your family tribe by using one of the sites. Many people have found what tribe they belong thanks to the internet.

Genealogy is complex. Finding your family tribe might take more than surfing the web.

You will likely need to consult other media too.

Visit Local Libraries, Archives, and Repositories

Libraries are still relevant in this world of electronic PDF books and journals. You can’t substitute the information a library or a repository will give you. You can use local libraries to get facts about one tribe or the other. Also, the library can help you find some books on how to conduct genealogical research of your family tribe.  Check for local genealogical resources, for example, the Morman Church has extensive genealogical research.

Federal Archives

National Archives and Records Administration has a ton of information that you cannot even consume half of it. You should consider going through some of NARA’s records because they have a lot of information that is focused on Native Americans/  NARA isn’t the only place you can get some needful information. You can as well visit prestigious college libraries.

Hire A Genealogist

Sometimes you have to ask for help!

When you have followed these steps and still haven’t found your tribe, the next thing would be to pay a genealogist to do the job for you. The good news is that you already have an idea of the genealogical process. Your knowledge will come in handy when the genealogist begins work. You can choose to hire the genealogist to trace which tribe you belong, or you hire him to work with you on the project you have at hand.

Read our tips on hiring a genealogist.

Find more information on Native American heritage with our other articles.

Native American Genealogy Articles on


Last Updated on June 25, 2024 by Paul G

28 Comments on “How Do I Find Out What Tribe I am From? – Native American Pow Wows”

  • Avatar for Annette Sanchez

    I recently took a DNA also
    and I am 43% native. How can I find out what Tribe I’m from…Please help…my family is from Carlsbad NM

  • Avatar for Dorothy Smart Williams

    I recently found out I am Mohawk from Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte. I’m related to Chief Donald Maracle of the Tyendinaga Mohawk First Nation Reserve. My son first did most of the research but I was watching Forensic Files episode where a crime happened on the reserve. I reached out to Chief Maracle. His research team sent my family tree to me. Now I may apply for membership. I might have to do DNA test or blood card.

  • Avatar for Rose



    I was involved in a CPS case where all my kids were taken and adopted after I reported to the court that I have Indian in my family and from my grandparents. The court came back and said I wasn’t and again adopted my kids, even though I completed the case plan etc.
    My case went to the supreme court and they ruled IF I can ever find my tribe I could register and ask my case to be heard in Indian Court and the order to terminate my parental rights can be voided and my kids could come home if the Indian Court rules they can.
    To this date I have taken a Native American DNA test which confirmed I’m 33 percent American Indian. I then hired a genealogist who did my tree and charged me 2350.00 and recommended that I go higher because nothing was found, I then paid another 1700. to go higher and that is the best way to find my tribe. They both concluded I am more than likely American Indian.

    I am so tired and feel so powerless because I can’t find someone who will really help me resolve this. I’m at the point where I just want to hire an actual honest ethical Indian Genealogist who will really help me. I feel so heart broken and know that if our current President and Government knew that my native American heritage has been ignored and this big mistake has been made and my kids adopted there would be outrage I believe.. however I just want my kids to come home and get on with my life. Does anyone have any advise on how I can resolve this. Thank you.

    • Avatar for Lateasha



      Have you tried the bureau of Indian affairs !?

  • Avatar for Maryanne Feranzoviz Baruth

    Maryanne Feranzoviz Baruth


    My great Grandfather was born into a tribe in either Canada or Michigan U.S in the mid to late 1800’s. His mother was supposedly a squaw from a tribe there and she died in childbirth. His father brought him to live with his parents and family in Bay City MI but no other information was given. I had heard a name used when I was little and the closest I can come to what I thought I heard was Ojibwe but like I said I was still a child and I am not 100% sure if that is what I heard. Can someone help me?

    • Avatar for Bix



      Squaw is a racial slur

    • Avatar for W



      I sympathize with your situation
      Testing with Ancestry and other companies will include your list of genetic cousin matches that can turn out to be documented descendants of your ancestral tribe!
      You need testing results to upload to Gedmatch website to get matched to your genetic cousin matches. Gedmatch with many amazing tools is 100% free!

    • Avatar for W



      Yes, it is possible, thanks to genetic testing technology in this wonderful new information age!

      Test with Ancestry, 23andme, etc. Testing results will include list of genetic cousin matches that are documented descendants of your ancestral tribe.

      Upload your test results to Gedmatch website to find your native cousins. Gedmatch with amazing tools is 100% free.

      By the way, squaw is an Algonquin word which means ” vagina” !!! This problem started with the traders from 300 years ago!

  • Avatar for Leland p Poyser

    Leland p Poyser


    my mother and her father were both born in coopersville michigan my grandfater was born in 1874 and my mther was born in 1904

  • Avatar for Marcelina Vasquez

    Marcelina Vasquez


    I recently did a 23andME recieved precentage but no idea what tribe. I would love to introduce my boys to our roots.

    • Avatar for Dee



      DNA cannot tell you if you have native blood. You need it researched by a professional Indian Genealogist.

      You can email me and I can help you!

      You can check out my website and initiate your Indian research there and/or contact me with any questions.


      • Avatar for Olivia



        I’m curious if you can share Dee’s contact information with me.

      • Avatar for Antonette Martinez

        Antonette Martinez


        Can I please have Dee’s contact information?

  • Avatar for Helene Quinonez

    Helene Quinonez


    I would like to know more about my kids and I heritage, my youngest daughter is 56.3 percentage of Native American, and to she has Mayan in her. My oldest daughter is 54.6 percentage Native American but has Aztec in her pueblo/Taos and other specify natives in them both but want someone to explain and help me out where to look and find more info. Would like to know of help for them to recieve benefits of their tribes if possible to find. Thank you and I am mother I have Cherokee in me want to learn more of that as well

  • Avatar for ReGina Pearson

    ReGina Pearson


    Does anyone have any information on a tribe called WEA? I was told by different family members that My grandmother was from the WEA tribe and also the REDPATH. Im not sure if they are from the same tribe or if they are 2 different tribes. I know my great great grandmother came from around the Wabash River in Northern Indiana and later generations settled in and around Terre Haute, Indiana. I know a little bit about the Wea ,but I cant find anything about REDPATH. Please help! THANK YOU!

  • Avatar for Natalie Henry

    Natalie Henry


    So, I am a 17 yr old female with brown hair and hazel eyes, and I know my grandfather on my mothers side was 100%, and my grandmother on my fathers side was 57%… What would that make me? I would like to know because I don’t know who my grandparents are, or my parents really well..

  • Avatar for Susan Sorrell

    Susan Sorrell


    I just found out im 26% native Indian. So im am very proud of this im from Victoria, Texas and was wondering if anybody know what tribe would have settled here!

    • Avatar for Christopher Lee Tijerina

      My Dad was born and raised in Victoria his last name was Tijerina and i am 48 % native american and iwant to know what tribe i came from

  • Avatar for Sharon Moore

    My dad’s name is Michael Moore I’m looking for a john ,Jake Moore from my was married to a Sarah Caldwell Moore)my dad was born in 1951,my grandpa William c bell had a igoure idian mother what percent am I and who was my great grandma,who was Moore cheif

  • Avatar for Carol Jacquot

    My great grandmother lived in Canada with my great grandfather George Park. My great grandmother was 100% indian but I don’t know her name or where they lived for sure.

  • Avatar for Jeff Johnson

    Jeff Johnson


    My uncle already did a lot of research so locating the specific tribe is easy however I would like to get a DNA test to verify his findings. My great grandmother appears to be Native American and said to be of the Choctaw Nation but I would like to prove this. What is a credible DNA test?

  • Avatar for Zarahrie Raven Lee

    Zarahrie Raven Lee


    Blood type A positive and seen 82 percent of cherekee and also seen to none native Indians of gray eyes of 1600 of pale complexion sold into slavery.

    Ppl tend to assume only dark complexion, and have wrongful information. Oatmeal complexion of almond shape eyes and not Asian at all, of either side of birth.

    Instaghram of zmadgeraven

    • Avatar for Cyn Mccauley

      Cyn Mccauley


      I would lime to know my grand mothers information. Her name is not coming up when I search. I want to k ow my ancestry in full for purposes of health, and interested in seeing distant relations. Time is not on my side.

  • Avatar for Beatrice Engolls

    Beatrice Engolls


    My great great grand father Jerome Bonaparte Engle fought along beside general Custer be had an illegitmate child with an Iroquois maiden.Its said we are Iroquois and part Cherokee.

    • Avatar for Dee




      I can help!

      Professional Indian Genealogist/Historian over 35 years.

      [email protected]

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