Canku Onestar – Dancer Profile

Canku Onestar – Dancer Profile
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Canku Onestar  <—- that guy is a really good Fancy Dancer.

Canku represents the Sićangu, Oglala Lakota, Onieda & Seneca Nations.  Every Powwow generation has its most noted dancers and holding the torch for the Men's Fancy division is Canku, pronounced (jong-koo).

What makes Canku a champion dancer is not his diligent footwork or his precision stops but his humbleness & super positive attitude.  He recently acquired his Bachelors degree in Kinesiology and is a certified personal trainer.  Canku credits playing sports and cultural dancing for keeping him fit and active.

While listening to Canku's interview, you can definitely feel the passion for his art and immense respect those who paved the way before him.

Look for him on the Powwow trail Summer and don't be surprised if he amazes you on & off the arena.




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