Young Spirit Singers are nominated for the Best American Roots Performance at the 2019 Grammy Awards.
Today they arrived at the red carpet in a limo provided by Gabrielle Union Wade.
The group sang two hand drum songs on the Red Carpet!
Congrats to Young Spirit for the nomination! Way to represent Indian Country!
About Young Spirit
The Drum is from Frog Lake, Alberta but have singers from all over Alberta, Saskatchewan, BC, Arizona and California.
Originally formed as a group of friends who wished to represent their Western Canadian Plains Cree cul

Last Updated on October 14, 2022 by Paul G
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Age A
says:I weep when I recall the murder of the original land dwellers to fatten others wallets
Arturo Lara Jr
says:This is Great that the youngsters are in the spotlight.
Anna Holt
says:When I was a child growing up in Upstate New York, I remember my father often saying, “What the White Man did to the Indians was WRONG!” [We are Caucasians] Born in Oneida, New York. Oneida Tribe, Turtle Clan; Iroquois Nation, Mohican, Mohawk tribes near our home..
My father learned from the Indians and taught us to respect Native Americans. He
Michell Chavis Dorn
says:Much love to all my brothers and sisters. Congratulations and way to represent our nation. Thank you for all you do
Arnita Granma sioux swanson
says:Awesome thank you all so very much
Arnita Granma sioux swanson
Peggy Kennedy
says:Congratulations to Young Spirit Singers way to represent! Awesome n thank you powwow .com for sharing with native country