Navajo Rugs – Learn The History, Care and Value

Navajo Rugs – Learn The History, Care and Value
Navajo woman weaving a rug MOTION OF HANDS

Everything You Need to Know About Navajo Rugs

Navajo rugs have been made for nearly 500 years, but they have recently made their way into homes all over the world. What makes these rugs so unique and sought after? This guide will go over the history of Navajo rugs, the vibrant designs, where to buy them, and how to care for them.

History of Navajo Rugs

The Navajo are one of the largest recognized Native American tribes within the United States. Around 500 years ago, they made their home the American Southwest. There, they developed a vibrant culture, complete with its own language, belief system, and lifestyle. One of their most significant impressions on modern society has been their rugs.

Weaving has always been a major part of the Navajo culture. While it is not entirely known where they learned to weave, they ended up becoming the most skilled out of all the Native Amerian tribes. The vivid geometric patterns on highly-durable fabrics were renown throughout the Southwest.

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The Pueblo tribe is thought to have introduced weaving to the Navajo, or at least a new way to weave using a vertical loom. Thanks to this new loom, as well as raising their own unique sheep called the Navajo-Churro, they were able to begin weaving long, smooth, and durable fibers to make rugs.

At the turn of the 20th century, there was growing interest in the rest of the world for all things Native American. Tourists from the rest of America, and beyond, would come to the Southwest in search of authentic souvenirs. The exotic designs caught on and remain popular to this day. Over the course of the 20th century, various types of designs sprang up, providing added variety to Navajo rugs, which became widely admired.

Navajo Rug Designs

Rugs made in the Navajo style are named for what region they originate from, or what influenced them. The following are the Navajo rug designs you will come across:

Crystal Rugs

These rugs do not have a border on them. They feature horizontal bands and are made using natural vegetable dyes. The stripes also usually include added design elements, including arrows, stars, triangles, and diamonds.

Teec Nos Pos

Named after a Navajo settlement in northeastern Arizona, this rug design features a wide border, along with intricate geometric patterns. The colors are vibrant in Teec Nos Pos rugs and display feather and arrow designs within the center of them.

Two Grey Hills

This rug design comes from a trading post called Two Grey Hills. They are high-quality and have intricate patterns. The rugs are made using natural wool that is undyed. There are “spirit lines” that act as accents around the borders of these rugs.

Chief Weaving

The final type of Navajo rug design is one that was offered to Navajo chiefs. These were made using the highest quality threads available. The patterns are durable and simple. Blue, white, and brown are all prominent on Chief weavings.

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Where to Buy Navajo Rugs

Once you are ready to have a Navajo rug of your own, you will want to know where to buy one. In order to receive a quality and authentic Navajo rug, you should seek out more reputable dealers. You will know you have found one when they are dedicated to answering any questions you may have. They will be direct and transparent with their answers. Also, they will have no issue providing you with a guarantee of authenticity to make sure you are getting a genuine rug.

Value of Navajo Rugs

The value of a Navajo rug will depend on a few factors, such as how large it is, how old it is, how tight the weaving is, the style, what dyes were used, and what condition it is in. Navajo rugs can range anywhere from $100 for a small one, to several thousand dollars for a large and old one.

When it comes to size, the larger the rug is, the longer it takes to weave. This will increase the price, the larger the rug is. The largest rugs can take up to three years to make. Given the extra hours put into making it, it will cost significantly more than a more common 4'x6′ rug.

Antique rugs will cost more than modern ones, given their value has risen as a result of their rarity. However, even contemporary Navajo rugs can fetch upwards of several thousand dollars. This is because the number of Navajo weavers is diminishing every year. There is a great deal of time and discipline needed to create a rug.

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How to Care for Navajo Rugs

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Taking care of your Navajo rug will ensure that it can maintain its vibrant colors and stay in great shape for a long time. Here are some tips for caring for your rug.

  • Instead of cleaning it in a washing machine, use a steam cleaner or iron.
  • Turn or rotate the threads occasionally.
  • Avoid using wide vacuum attachments to vacuum the rug.
  • Avoid beating the rug with a beater bar.
  • Avoid placing the rug in direct sunlight for long periods of time.

There are special cleaners for wool rugs that you can use to get rid of minor stains. When you follow these guidelines, you should have no little to no issues keeping your rug pristine.

Make Navajo Rugs a Part of Your Life

Navajo rugs are unique and beautiful high-quality rugs with a rich history. It's no wonder that they have become so popular within the past century. You can now enjoy the beauty of a Navajo as well, by buying one, as mentioned earlier. These rugs are ideal for decorating your home and bringing some authentic Navajo culture into your life.

With them being highly popular today, there are plenty to choose from, no matter what your budget. Enjoy these unique and highly-prized rugs just as others have over the course of their 500-year existence.


Last Updated on December 29, 2024 by Paul G

16 Comments on “Navajo Rugs – Learn The History, Care and Value”

  • Avatar for Brenda pulis

    I inherited a very large Navajo rug it’s over 100 years old and I would like to sell it if someone would like to make an offer

  • Avatar for mary



    I have two Navajo rugs from Crownpoint, New Mex rug auction that are over 50 years old. Both with original tags from auction never removed. They are in excellent shape and color small to medium. What would they be worth?

  • Avatar for Dorothy



    I have four or five large Navajo rugs that’s been in my family for at least 70 years I’ve been assured that they are all original dye before they started buying their dye. How do I find out their worth? I live in Utah and actually worked with Navajo’s and none of them could help in finding someone that would know.

  • Avatar for Dianne Herron

    Dianne Herron


    I have a older 1980s genuine Navajo rug ,thinking a out selling,how do I start?

  • Avatar for Adrian McKee

    Adrian McKee


    Are there any pictures of to gray hills Blankets? I think I saw 11 time and it was so beautiful I almost cried. You could feel the land And the weaver. The value lies So much in the heart of the owner. The money only matters if you can’t afford to buy one! The value in it is so far beyond money. Thank you for sharing these and The snowing.

  • Avatar for Crystal Clark

    Crystal Clark


    Hi I just moved into our new home and I think I have found a old Navaho rug. I would love to get some information on it. Like , how old it is? What kind it is? What its worth? And where do i go to sell it? Please if you know anything email me at [email protected]
    And ill send you pictures

  • Avatar for Shannon Baltrusch

    Hello I have two Navajo rugs/horse blankets To be honest I’m not sure as to which. I’m trying to get a value to possibly sell. They both are quite old and do have some fraying. Any suggestions as to someone who could help me? Thank you

  • Avatar for tom markham

    tom markham


    I just watched Ms Agustinez’ telling about Navajo rugs, and am wondering where I can turn for some information.
    I have owned four rugs since the early 1950’s, which my parents bought from a travelling trader in Wyoming.
    We knew them as Two Grey Hills, Chin Li, Teec Nos Pos, and a fourth one whose tribe we never knew. Is there a place where I can send pictures for a rough evaluation?
    If so, please reply by email. I always lose URLs.
    TIA tom

  • Avatar for LENORE C BOWNE



    Can I take a picture of my rug and send it to you? I would like to know more about it – I have had it for almost fifty years but have no idea of its value.

    Thank you.

  • Avatar for Coastie



    I have not encountered a nice rug I can afford. But I admire them for the spirit of the weaver that goes into each one. Unique and historic all

  • Avatar for Deanna



    Amazing, talented..

  • Avatar for farmers



    you are amazing

  • Avatar for numan



    very good thanks

  • Avatar for Running Doe

    osiyo, such beauty of all the rugs, made with proud and with honor for each one wada

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