We're all familiar with Larry Yazzie, famous fancy dancer and creator of the Native Pride Dancers group. But did you know he was also an actor? Yazzie is a natural performer, so it only makes sense that he uses his talents on the big screen. In the new murder mystery movie No Blood of Mine Yazzie plays Detective Rennie Dupree.
From the movie's synopsis:
Victoria, a smart and pretty girl from a poor neighborhood in Duluth, accepts a loan from a North Dakota gangster to keep her Williston trucking firm afloat. When the business fails, she takes off for home under the cover of darkness only to be tracked down by the gangster and kidnapped. Forced to make a choice, Victoria must decide between joining the gangster or face incriminating evidence linking her to her wealthy Father’s murder.
Trailer #1 for No Blood Of Mine from Wesley Boyd Ellenwood on Vimeo.
Ooooh, looks good right? Keep checking back on Larry Yazzie's Facebook page and also No Blood of Mine's Facebook for updates on release and screening! Should be this summer!