Interview with Brent Cahwee – – Natives Athletes To Watch This Fall – Pow Wow Life

Interview with Brent Cahwee – – Natives Athletes To Watch This Fall – Pow Wow Life

Listen to my interview with Brent Cahwee from  We talk about the Native American athletes to watch this fall!

Show Notes


NDNSPORTS.COM began in the fall of 2000.  We were two NDN college students finishing up our last years of college. We have since graduated with our respective degrees. We try to keep the website up-to-date the best we can and we also, try to get every athlete we can whether they compete in college or in the pros, but since we stay busy with work and family. We depend on YOU, the visitor, to point us in the right direction to help provide any knowledge of  NDN athletes. The goal of our site is to promote awareness about Native American athletes competing in a wide variety of college and professional sports to the public and native community online.

Also, our intent is to provide you with up to date information on NDN athletes from the various states that they compete in, since they may not be the same states they are from, their friends and family will have a means of keeping track of them.   We want them to be recognized for their achievements on and off the field of competition. We hope you enjoy our site and find it interesting enough to come back as well as inform others to what we are trying to do.

If you have any question, comments, suggestions or if you simply would like to inform us about a NDN athlete in your area please use the Contact Us page to share your information

Again, we hope you enjoy the site and come back often!

Brent Cahwee (Pawnee/Euchee) & John Harjo(Muscogee Creek)

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Paul G

One Comment “Interview with Brent Cahwee – – Natives Athletes To Watch This Fall – Pow Wow Life”

  • Avatar for Niki J Lafferty

    Niki J Lafferty


    Hi I’m Niki Lafferty I belong to turtle mountain band of Chippewa belcourt North Dakota I have three native boys my oldest is his chef my middle one is in sports very good at sports and my youngest is a gamer. I dnt have a traditional way of our people-i was not shown to be proud. I have not been taught in any native ways or language..what I know has been taught by my spirit ancestors..I listen to my ancestors…please help me teach my son’s the way of our ancestors so we can live on

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