Calling all creative natives!
Have you been watching all the amazing tutorials on Cheyenne and Arapaho Television (CATV47)? The Native Drum with host Shawn Littlebear shows us a lot of helpful drum making tips and techniques.
In this two part tutorial, Littlebear demonstrates how to make drumsticks. Get your materials ready and lets create!
Don’t forget to visit for all episodes!
Last Updated on August 29, 2023 by Paul G
says:Hello….I am hoping you can help me with a question that a family member is having about powwow drum beaters. He purchased a drum and beaters and after looking into how beaters are made is concerned that the leather on the beaters may have been tanned using brains and can cause some health problems. Is there anyway to know whether the leather was tanned that way or this method not commonly used anymore. Would appreciate any info you can give us.
Thank you,
Running Doe
says:wado this is so nice, wado for sharing