British Music Video Filmed on Blackfoot Nation Land

British Music Video Filmed on Blackfoot Nation Land

Chase & Status are an electronic music duo from the UK who recently enlisted award-winning director Josh Cole to direct a music video for their song “Alive”.

The “Alive” video was shot on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Montana. The video tells the story of the lead character going through drug addiction, loss and a kind of spiritual awakening via the Sun Dance ceremony.  This, of course, has gotten the attention of natives here in the U.S.

Watch the video and let us know what you think.

Read more on Kiss FM.

For additional information, please read this interview with the makers of the film.

The video was approved by the Blackfeet Nation and the Crazy Dogs Society.

Last Updated on August 28, 2019 by Paul G

About Toyacoyah Brown

Toyacoyah Brown is an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation, currently living in Chicago. She received her B.A. in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.A. in Media Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. When she's not scouring the Internet for fun things to share with readers you can find her digging for vinyl in her local record store or curling up with a good book.

43 Comments on “British Music Video Filmed on Blackfoot Nation Land”

  • Avatar for Alice



    We should never film ceremonies. Or even in the vicinity of where they are held. Was told that when you do so, you freeze the spirits in time. New agers see ceremonies duplicate it and desecrate the sacredness of it. Happening, now. Especially in Europe.

  • Avatar for Mountain Child

    Mountain Child


    Leonard Crowdog and Dennis Banks are RESPONSIBLE for the SALE of and DESECRATION of Our Most SACRED CEREMONY –
    Now We Have New Agers –
    JAPANESE – Europeans – South Americans
    That are NOW Making a MOCKERY of the Sun Dance —
    SHAME ON YOU Leonard and Dennis You Fat Old Washed Up Men

  • Avatar for Ayata



    Very powerful – but – the ending gives the wrong message. Although the end may be realistic, the message is that it doesn’t matter if you turn your life around, you will lose in the end. I was shocked and saddened by the end and would not recommend this video to anyone struggling with addiction. Up to the last minute I was going to share it on facebook and with a lot of people privately. You need to balance reality with hope. I strongly recommend changing the ending. Too much reality can also break the spirit. We need HOPE.

  • Avatar for GramTee233



    I thought this video has a powerful message. I know that there are struggles and difficulties and it seems that Natives are faced with a lot more troubles that it is realized. Isn’t time to admit that these troubles are out there and stop keeping them in the closet? There are churches and temples that actually televise their sacred services. So now in this age of media explosion, wouldn’t it good to get these ancient tradition documented before they are forgotten? And couldn’t these documented tradition be something taught to Native children and encourage them to be proud of the strong tradition they are a part of? And can’t this be the next step to helping get our young ones to gain a self worth and help turn them away from what they have seen as normal like drugs and alcoholism? I don’t have the answers. I just think that the more people get to understand the rich tradition and sacredness of those traditions, the more support that can come from it.

  • Avatar for Michael Alphin (Flying Wolf)

    Michael Alphin (Flying Wolf)


    I see nothing wrong with this. Addiction touches every society. How is crack (I assume that is the drug, as I don’t have audio) so different from the alcohol brought over by Europeans? The video shows the struggle, but also victory in traditional means via sweat, pipe, and offering. Sadly, when the young man tried to take recovery to those still using, he paid with his life.

    Coming from the viewpoint of a recovering alcoholic (me), the ending is still something of a victory in that the young man died sober. Not only that, but did so trying to pass on the gift of recovery. Probably most important (assumed, as I did not have audio), he spent his last moments on meditation with Wakan Tanka. I think the video was great!

  • Avatar for Nancy Junaluska

    Nancy Junaluska


    The Video was priceless…not only what our children go through…I cried …heart warming and hope this help’s other’s to stop and go by our Ancestor’s way’s…I feel so helpless when it is hard for them….I am sending smoke up in Prayer’s for all…Blessing’s…

  • Avatar for Leon rattler

    Leon rattler


    When love is presented only on Sunday or ceremonies and abuse continues the rest of the week respect is out the window. As a sundancer I dance for the native kids living on the street of our cities today, that someone tell them they are loved, give them a hug. Outstanding intelligent people they are. today it is not easy to please all the wanta-bees untell we adults stop fighting for top spot our children will continue to follow our path. The monies given for this film was given to the children by way of hat, gloves, coats, food, many benefited and awareness that Indian country there are people willing to stand up on there behalf.

  • Avatar for Bear Feathers

    Bear Feathers


    I appreciate the message more than anything. I’m glad it showed everything because I didn’t find it entertaining or see it as an exposure of something sacred. I saw the truth. I saw a mirror and received inspiration. This is exactly how life IS for us natives. So what if some are offended? They should be more offended/ashamed at the reality of life than anything else. I lost an 8-year old to her own father and cousin because they were tweeked out on meth and had been up for days. They raped and stabbed her to death and then attempted to bury her broken and mutilated body. Drugs are another form of the devil and the devil is a lie. Thank God for using this vehicle to show what needs to be shown. Now WAKE UP.

  • Avatar for Patricia Norquay

    Patricia Norquay


    this is a very powerful video and may every human being over the age of ten watch it, I shed a few tears my prayers for all

  • Avatar for Gloria Stewart

    Gloria Stewart


    WOW, this was sad, very powerful, moving video

  • Avatar for Theodore L. Means jr

    Theodore L. Means jr


    Since when do Blackfoot pierce ??

  • Avatar for CeeBeeHoney



    Even though I too have heard that our ceremonies should not be filmed and used for entertainment, I feel that it was a good thing that they were shown. Not all of our youth know what these ceremonies are and not all of them will get the chance to participate in them. Maybe seeing these images will spark the desire in someone to find a way to learn about their people. I know I want to learn more about my people. I’m so disconnected, I really feel ashamed.

    However, I am very happy to have seen this video. It made me think about how I am living my life, so out of balance. In fact, I am going to actively seek out someone who is willing to share with me their knowledge of the old ways. This is not just lip service, those images are very powerful. They reminded me of the first time I stepped out of the teepee after being in all night. Words can’t explain the amount of joy that washed over me as I stepped into the sun. I want that again. I want to be connected.

  • Avatar for High Wolf

    High Wolf


    As a Sundancer I believe this video to be helpful. Because as an elder I’ve seen the young won over by gangs and the white mans world. So many of our youth don’t sweat and don’t go on top of the mountain to pray for a vision. Many are lost. If this video can help some to find there way home I say this is good. So if you know someone who needs to see this video show it to them. All My Relations.

  • Avatar for flora



    Those pictures of a sacred ceremonie shouldend be shown not even taken.

  • Avatar for SGMBob



    This should be required viewing in all middle, junior, and high school. The video clearly shows that drugs cost two lives. Stay away form drugs – all drugs!

  • Avatar for Kyaiyo



    Please take this photo down. As a Sundancer, it is not appropriate to publish such pictures.

    • Avatar for Paul G

      Paul G


      Thanks for writing. I understand your concern. But this video was approved by their tribal elders. They want people to see this ans hear the message.

    • Avatar for Soyitsitakakii



      Oki Kyaiyo,

      Nistowa is also part of the Sundance Ceremonies as well and dont believe publicly showing our real culture and traditions. Now a days the young people dont look to elders no more and what awesome way to show them through this video. We are losing our traditional ways because the youth turn to ki napikiwan ways via media and this new world. This video beings about a powerful message to reach to the young.

  • Avatar for Cheyenne



    I think this video was very powerful. It gave me goosebumps all the way through. Even tho I hoped the trigger would not be pulled, in reality it is..It has a very powerful statement that even in the fact that you can find your way out, not everyone will be happy about it and some will take you down if they can. It is still worth it to do the ceremonies and become that what you want to be inside….You still are a light for others……..
    love the song and the whole message

  • Avatar for Soyitsitakakii



    I really love the video and song touched my heart but quite a sad ending but in reality so true to many people. It made me cry but it felt good to cry and let go of all the negative. I also didnt mind the images of the spirituality part because it gives a insight to our culture. Glad to be a Nitsitapii from the northern tribe of the Blackfoot’s ki Siksikakawan. Open your heart to our native ways and remember who you are. again very touching.

  • Avatar for Jim La Pointe

    Jim La Pointe


    This is a sad testimony to our realities. Somehow the worst is thrown at us, and our salvation is always coming back to tradition and spirit. I wish I could say that I didn’t require similar circumstance to bring me back around so many years ago. Mine was the happy ending, where the boy lives. It truly is in the minority of cases. Gritty and courageous view of our realties today.

  • Avatar for Peter of Japan

    Peter of Japan


    To the devil with the drug war, that bans the Great Spirit’s natural medicine because of fear of the spirit messages from Mother Earth. Damn the drug war which banned the less harmful which opened the door for the harmful.

    Back to the mushroom, meditation, and oneness. This vicious cycle, this separation of individuals, this mind numbing unnatural drug culture without spirit is going to stop and through education so the Way shall once again be seen..

  • Avatar for Saulteaux Pawp

    Saulteaux Pawp


    Yes, this video means so’ much to me! I had to cry. I remember how hard it was to live that negative lifestyle. How my life has changed today. How proud I am to be a better man. To help lead others to a safe place. To be First Nation.

  • Avatar for Francis Dick

    Francis Dick


    The Sundance should never be recorded. I realize that it’s not an actual Sundance but still you cannot and should not play with the the power of that ceremony. I was taught that if you record it then you take away it’s sacredness. I know this video relates the truth of reality of our young people and I do believe that we all need to do something about it. I don’t mean any disrespect to anyone

  • Avatar for n8tivekwe



    I saw my brother in this video, I saw the hoplessness,the abuse,the poor decisions, then I saw how strong our ceremonies are to pull someone up and out of that way of life, I cried so hard throughout the video,so powerful and true….

  • Avatar for w. Bird

    w. Bird


    A very sobbering and needed movie. I am glad that it got approved by those who should be the ones to approve it.

  • Avatar for youngbear



    I loved the video. Been through the 60’s scoop, residential school. Abuses and addictions. Been through the awakening and the ceremonies and even the sundance and piercing. This film brought me to recall my life back then and why I still walk Motherearth today. I say this to you all as a man who has lived this way and in those times. There is change in life and so we must change too. Where once we held these ceremonies sacred and from the eyes of non-aboriginals, we must now show them because our own children are living too far into white/main stream society. In time to come, we will lose them all. Our old people knew that we would have hard times long before and they knew we would miss out on a vital component in our medicine wheel and today we lack the spirituality. As a teacher of culture to our young people, I see this today and and it is time to use all peoples tools and our own gifts to bring our cultural practice to our children in a good way, as they were meant to be. Ekosi, Aho! ayek-son-oma

    • Avatar for whitefeather




    • Avatar for Michelle



      I might agree with the idea of exposing ceremony, contrary to all teachings, ever, but not in this case. Remember people this is all about making money. someone is making a music video. its for profit. that is just plain wrong

  • Avatar for Oliver




  • Avatar for Nancy Nyman

    Nancy Nyman


    This was very well done, and says exactly what it wants to say. I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s beautiful. We all need redemption, and to find our own way of attaining it.

  • Avatar for Kim Sator-anderson

    Kim Sator-anderson


    Sacred Ceremonies should be kept sacred.It would have been better to show the young man preparing to Sundance then show his wounds being healed.Also the ending would have been better if the young man survived,then forgiven the shooter,prompting the entire gang to turn away from the black road.The ending could have shown the gang preparing to sweat.

    • Avatar for Tatonka Cante

      Tatonka Cante


      Yes, it could have Kim – I think that would have made for a happier video. Although, I don’t think happiness was the point.. I think reality was the point. It’s sad that so many youngsters are going through this. So many die from drugs & alcohol related incidents. Lets be real and put it in front of the faces that continue to turn away from the truth.

      Sundance is a sacred ceremony, but many elders are visioning that the time to reach the youth is here and now, and it is crucial. Even though we don’t like it, this is the way to reach the youth. Show a little bit of something so intense you can even feel it through a screen. I agree – many boundaries were tested here – but many eyes and hearts have been opened. As my elder says “If my grandmother had tupperware she would have used it.”

    • Avatar for Geeoch Mokene

      Geeoch Mokene


      Sacred ceremonies should be recorded only by the heart. True teaching is being an example through caring and loving. Not any heartbreaking scenario will heal a broken heart or truly guide a lost soul. Honor the Sacredness of the ceremonies and the wisdom of true Elders. Nobody can be saved by others only healed through the will of his own heart. Be moved by love and not fear.

  • Avatar for Rowena Cootes

    Rowena Cootes


    Wow very powerful, our youth would benefit from this video sends a strong message, very well done, thank you for sharing this

  • Avatar for Dave Taylor

    Dave Taylor


    Emotionally draining experience. Sometimes we need to be shocked into recognising the truth

  • Avatar for Mary



    It was a very realistic video, touching to my heart. I like it.

  • Avatar for K Twoeagles

    K Twoeagles


    My heart hurts! One bad thing after another keeps attacking the people from within…

  • Avatar for sean



    i love the native way and it is all too sad that the native people are weaker of will because of the devastation they were put through when the white men slaughtered there wives there children and there warriors .i am truly moved by this video

  • Avatar for Eileen Fidler

    Eileen Fidler


    I don’t know what to say, this is probably the most horrifyingly moving thing I have ever seen, it is beyond powerful, I wept all the way through it. So much has been lost, and the young keep paying for it. The ending was oddly, and I’m almost afraid to say this,it seemed a redemption of a spirit

  • Avatar for Debbie



    How sad. His story is like so many young people today. I hope this video and his song is viewed by those who need to see it most. May Spirit bless his soul.

  • Avatar for eva



    love the video great video and great lyrics… tells the story of a young kid going through some bad things and making some poor choices… helps the kids today who make poor choices learn something from it

  • Avatar for johnson



    powerful video, very real and very raw. sure to touch some nerves but a great video on important and relevant topics. the story and song hit home. great work. thank you.

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