Blood Quantum Native American: Definition, Facts & Laws
/ | 32 Comments on Blood Quantum Native American: Definition, Facts & LawsBlood quantum is the measurement of what percentage Native American blood you have. This is often used to determine tribal enrollment. Of course, it isn’t always that simple of an answer. In this post, the meaning of blood quantum, the details of a Native American blood quantum test, and more!….
Read moreWhat are the Dawes Roll and Miller Rolls – Myths, Misinformation and Motivations
/ | 42 Comments on What are the Dawes Roll and Miller Rolls – Myths, Misinformation and MotivationsI have written several articles on each of these rolls from a genealogical viewpoint. In this article, I will address the two rolls and compare them side by side from a motivational point of view. In other words, what was the motivation for thousands to refuse to sign the Dawes….
Read moreIndian Removals 1800-1900
/ | 5 Comments on Indian Removals 1800-1900Much has been written about the various removals that occurred through out the 1800’s with the Cherokee Trail of Tears gaining the most exposure to the public through movies, plays and the written word. A dark chapter in the history of the United States and a Blight on the Memory….
Read moreCherokee of Today
/ | 27 Comments on Cherokee of TodayThe Cherokee Tribe of today is made of 3 different groups that all descend from the same common tribe. Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Citizens reside within 14 counties in Northeastern Oklahoma, the tribe composes of descendants of those that were forcibly removed from lands in the Southeastern United States during 1838-1839 time….
Read moreMissouri/Arkansas Cherokee
/ | 45 Comments on Missouri/Arkansas CherokeePerhaps one of the most common family stories I hear as I travel throughout Missouri and Arkansas goes something like this: My Great great great Grandmother was “part” Cherokee and escaped from the “Trail of Tears” or something along these lines: My great great great great grandmother hid out in….
Read moreAni-Kit-U-Wah People – The Cherokee
/ | 2 Comments on Ani-Kit-U-Wah People – The CherokeeThe Cherokee Tribe of today is made of 3 different groups that all descend from the same common tribe. The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma These citizens reside within 14 counties in Northeastern Oklahoma. The tribe is composed of descendants of those who were forced removed from lands in the Southeastern….
Read moreGuion Miller Roll of the Eastern Cherokee: 27.Aug.1906 – 18.May.1909
/ | 25 Comments on Guion Miller Roll of the Eastern Cherokee: 27.Aug.1906 – 18.May.1909One may argue that the Guion Miller Roll is perhaps one of the most important Rolls ever done of the Cherokee Nation in a Genealogical sense. This roll is more formally referred to as the Eastern Cherokee Emigrant Payroll. The roll was taken roughly the same time as the famous….
Read moreFinal Roll of the Cherokee Nation & Freedman
/ | 68 Comments on Final Roll of the Cherokee Nation & FreedmanToday we call this the Dawes Rolls, although it encompasses the original Five Civilized Tribes of the South East (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole). This article is specifically about the Cherokee Roll. To describe this roll and purpose, first, we must do a bit of history and hopefully give….
Read moreHoldout, Doubtful and Reject of the Dawes Rolls
/ | 88 Comments on Holdout, Doubtful and Reject of the Dawes RollsPrevious articles gave overviews and some tips on navigating through the Dawes Rolls. This article follows up on some information on those common arguments on who is and who is not Cherokee because of three classifications: Holdout, Doubtful and Reject. Holdout Holdouts were a group of Cherokees that belonged to….
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