What’s Next For PowWows.com in 2022? – Pow Wow Life

What’s Next For PowWows.com in 2022? – Pow Wow Life

Join Paul G on this episode of the Pow Wow Life Podcast.  Today Paul G talks about what's to come for PowWows.com in 2022!


Hello, and welcome back to another of the Powwow life podcast. I'm your host, Paul Gowder Thanks so much for being with me again this week. as we're starting to wind down 2021 I'm so thankful for all of you guys, for being out there and supporting www.powwows.com for so many years, it was incredible to celebrate our 25th anniversary this year, and really look back on some amazing things we've done over the years and great trips and great memories and making connections with you has been incredible. Because of you, my family's been able to do some amazing things, and I'm very thankful for that.

When I started www.powwows.com, it was my way of sharing things that I was learning and starting to explore when I was first getting into powwows and I was making my outfits and learning how to do bead work and ribbon work. And I took you on that journey. That was my way of like documenting or not even documenting, but just sharing and writing down things that I was learning. And in 2022, I want to get back to that. And so we're going to be looking to put out more things– I'm going to start exploring more parts of native culture. And I want to take you along on that journey, whether it's through interviews with guests or traveling to different places and learning about the tribes in the Northwest or the tribes in the Midwest, the Southeast, the Southwest, I don't know yet, but that's what we're going to do. And I want to provide that for you as, as I learn and you learn along with me.

We're going to take this journey and Hey, I'm not an expert in any of this stuff, but I'm going to share with you what I learn and what I find. So I think that's going to be fun and that's going to be really my theme for this podcast and some of the content we're doing in 2022. So I hope you'll enjoy that.

Now, having said that because it is the holidays and I'm going to be traveling and some other family stuff, the podcast is going to go on a little bit of a break. We'll come back in the middle of January probably like the week of the 15th or so I'll be back with a new episode, but until then, I hope you get to spend some time with your family and enjoy the holidays. And however, you celebrate it and spend some time with your loved ones.

Continuing to look forward to 2022. There are some other things that are going on on the website that I'm really excited for you guys to see. Working on a whole new look and feel for the website. We are reorganizing all of our content and really going to try to make it easier for you to find the things that you want to find quicker and easier. Over 25 years, man, we've got a lot of content with articles and videos and all that and we're going to try to organize that a little better. So hopefully you can find that video of the gathering of nations from 2020, well, not 2020, because there wasn't one. But like 2008 gathering nations, we're going to help you find that easier and all those kinds of things. We hope that you'll enjoy this website makeover that we're working on. Look for that coming in the first quarter of 2022.

And speaking of Gathering of Nations, we will be back in 2022 in-person in Albuquerque live streaming the event. I've already been talking to the group out there that runs gathering, and it's going to be a fantastic year. They're already putting together the head staff and the specials and things are already starting to be planned. So look for that coming and even more streams in 2022, we're going to be streaming more powwows because they're back. And so I'm looking forward to bringing that to you.

And of course, we've got some new contests coming to make sure you're subscribed to the newsletter. So you find out about all these great contests, got some really cool ones planned, and some big announcements coming in the first quarter of 2022. Some things I can't tell you quite yet, but I'm super excited to share when we can. March is going to be pretty exciting. I'm really looking forward to some things that are going to happen in March. That’s my hint for you. But again, thank you so much for your support of me, my family, and www.powwows.com. It's been an incredible year I mean these last two years have been, whew, they've been different. They've been rough in a lot of ways and good in a lot of ways. 

During the quarantine, it was great to be able to be here at home. The day job, let me work remotely for a long time. So it was good to be here with the family even more. And then, there were lots of challenges working remote and, of course, being scared and unknown about a lot of things too, but we got through all that. And then I think we're starting to come out of all of this as long as we can, keep doing what we're doing. More people get vaccinated. We keep doing social distancing when it's necessary. And I think we're going to be okay and powwows will be back in 2022 in a big way. So glad that 2021 is just about over and I'm really looking forward to 2022 again. Thank you. And I'll see you soon.

Last Updated on January 18, 2023 by Paul G

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