The 2015 Saginaw Chippewa Annual Powwow “Honoring the Water” was held July 24-26th weekend at the Tribal Campgrounds in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. The pow wow included:
Host Drum: Iron Boy
Head Veteran: George Martin
Head Dancers: Joe Syrette & Heather Schuyler
Master of Ceremonies: Vince Beyl & RJ Smith
Arena Directors: Dave Shananquet & Little Man Quintero
Head Drum Judge: Steven Loonsfoot
Dance Judges: Darrell Hill & Grace Pushetonequa
Dance Specials: Random Mystery Spot Dances, Armed Forces Sneek-up, Generations Freestyle, Men’s Shawl, Women’s Grass, Clown Dance, Drummers Dance and Youth Hand Drum Contest
Dolores Laban (Saginaw, Swan Creek & Black River) was at the pow wow and shared some photos with us. I hope you enjoy!