The 50th Annual Kainai Pow Wow & Celebration was held the third weekend of July at Red Crow Park in Standoff, Alberta, Canada. The park is said to feature one of the larger open air arbors on the pow wow trail which always makes for stunning photos!
Photographer Patti Tanewasha, member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs from Oregon, attended the pow wow and captured tons of great footage from the event. I bet you'll agree with me that these photos make 50 look fabulous, enjoy!
Gorgeous photos right? It's actually a wonder she was able to share these photos with us because while visiting Canada, her camera bag was stolen!! Inside her bag were several lenses, 3 memory cards, and her car keys. Luckily with the help of friends and pow wow family, she was able to get home safely. But now she is without her camera, which as you can tell from her phtogoraphy skills is a great loss! If you have any extra money laying around, please consider donating to her GoFundMe page to help her get back some of her gear. You can learn more by visiting:
Patti has some other lovely photos on her Instagram account, so make sure you follow IG: @MakingItPatti
And keep an eye out for her at the following pow wows, you just might be featured on!
Usk Pow-wow, July 29-31
Sho Ban Festival Pow-wow August 11-14