Families enjoyed a brief reunion over the weekend as 400 people attended a pow wow held at the Mike Durfee State Prison located in Springfield, South Dakota. As reported by The Daily Republic, the cost to throw the pow wow is about $3,500 and is paid for by the Lakota Council of Tribes (LCT), a group made up of inmates at the Springfield prison. Sylvester Pacheco, president of LCT, says along with tribal donations, inmates also pay $3.50 per guest.
“Pretty much every tribe contributes something, whether it be firewood, rocks, botanical sweet grass, sage, whatever,” Pacheco said.
As you can imagine, the pow wow is something the inmates look forward to and provides them with a bit of hope and positivity.
Rebecca Schieffer, the associate warden at Mike Durfee State Prison, was quoted in the article:
“If you have your faith to rely on, that gives a lot of these guys hope for salvation, redemption, something to love and something that loves them,” Schieffer said.
But there are tangible benefits, too. Schieffer said inmates who receive more positive social interaction with friends and family members have lower disciplinary rates and transition more easily into the community after their release. During a powwow, inmates get the full day with their families, which she said is incredibly important to them.
“When it comes to family visits, that is probably the most important thing to them,” Schieffer said. “They really do value it so much.”
The healing powers of music, dance, and culture!
Photo – Jake Shama / Republic
Robert Dickenson
says:I am trying to get a pow wow set up for the residents of the James River Correctional Center in Jamestown, ND. Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can contact me or our Chaplin Mark Haines at [email protected] or calling our facility at 701-253-3633
Thank you
Robert Dickenson CO I
Chaplain Thibodeaux
says:Red Rock Prison in Eloy AZ. looking for Pow Wow volunteer to come to Red Rock