Melissa ChilcotinChar has a few hobbies that are not only bringing in extra money but are helping her bring awareness and exposure to Indigenous cultures. Her beadwork, sewing, and makeup tutorials are found on YouTube and on Facebook, and although cooking isn’t a primary hobby of Melissa’s, it is also showcased on her channels.
In one of her videos, HOW TO BEAD A FLAT PEYOTE STITCHED RING, Melissa teaches viewers step-by-step how to bead this ring using her very own design template, which she provides to viewers for their use.

According to Interweave, “Native American beadwork evolved when Europeans introduced glass beads to the indigenous people of the Americas. The stitch got its current name at a much more modern date, in the late 1800s, originating with the Kiowa and Comanche Native American tribes. Also called gourd stitch, it is used to decorate gourds and other objects for peyote rituals performed by members of the Native American Church. Today, you’ll find peyote stitch in jewelry, accessories, objects, and dance regalia beaded by Native Americans.”
In this next video, Melissa gives viewers a makeup tutorial by creating an affordable and beautiful look by primarily using a James Charles pallet among two others that she chose. Purple tones aren’t for everyone, but she definitely is able to rock the look.

Lastly, back the peyote stitch, Melissa does an amazing job with teaching viewers HOW TO START PEYOTE STITCHING A ROPE.

Melissa almost has four thousand views on this particular video along with gracious comments from fans such as this one:
Found your video in a “Beadworkers Showcase” Group. Beautiful job! I will definitely be trying this. Looks so much nicer than basic rope-wrapping.
Among rings, ropes, and makeup tutorials, Melissa showcases much of her other work on her company’s Facebook page, which includes earrings, baby beaded moccasins, bracelets, keychains, coasters, and more.
Don’t forget to check her out.
Support Indigenous artists!
Image Source / Public Facebook Group / ChilcotinCreeCustom Beauty/Beadwork and Designs
Melissa ChilcotinChar
says:Omg! Thank you so much Paul G for writing this up ❤️ I seriously never thought to google myself till now and I was so shocked and humbled to see this. This year has been such a rollercoaster for everyone and you’ve humbled me so much more. It’s late as I write this but, I couldn’t wait till later on this morning to reply. I wanted to give the most genuine raw response I could give. Thank you again! I won’t stop what I’m doing ❤️