Native American Quotes As Meaningful As They Were Centuries Ago
/ | 3 Comments on Native American Quotes As Meaningful As They Were Centuries AgoNative American quotes are a great way to learn from our past to change our future. Native American nations have a rich oral history that predates the pre-colonial era. Part of that history yielded a wealth of enuring quotes from our ancestors that now act as a source of endless inspiration….
Read more5 Important Native American Authors You Simply Must Read
/ | 4 Comments on 5 Important Native American Authors You Simply Must ReadIf you’re looking to make your bookshelf a little more accurate and inclusive, make sure to grab the works of these amazing Native American authors. How diverse is your bookshelf? No, this isn’t about your collection of sci-fi novels and self-help guides. Instead, who are the people telling the stories….
Read moreRichard Oakes: Life and Legacy of Native American Activist
/ | 2 Comments on Richard Oakes: Life and Legacy of Native American ActivistHe was a Mohawk Native American activist who had a massive impact on the rights of Native Americans and helped pioneer Native American studies in college curriculums around the country. He is best known for playing an integral role in the occupation of Alcatraz when Native American protestors took control over the former penitentiary to protest abusive government policies.
Read moreNative American Issues Today | Current Problems & Struggles 2023
/ | 11 Comments on Native American Issues Today | Current Problems & Struggles 2023Contemporary Native Americans face many challenges today. If you watch the news you’ll see headlines about mascots, celebrities wearing headdresses, and pipelines. While these are important issues, there are other problems facing Native communities that are more significant. As the years change, so do the stories about struggle, challenge, and….
Read moreNative American Religion and Spirituality – Common Threads, Unique Beliefs, and Too Many Misconceptions
/ | 8 Comments on Native American Religion and Spirituality – Common Threads, Unique Beliefs, and Too Many MisconceptionsThe diversity of Native American religions could fill whole libraries with descriptions of belief, tales of lore, definitions, explanations, and insights into spiritual practices and ceremonies. To the outside world, however, far too much of the truth remains generalized and horribly steeped in stereotypes and misconceptions. Until around the middle….
Read moreBenefits for Native Americans | How to Apply | Housing, Education, More
/ | 36 Comments on Benefits for Native Americans | How to Apply | Housing, Education, MoreNative American individuals and families in the United States often miss out on essential benefits to which they are entitled. This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including mismanagement, inefficiency, and a lack of awareness about available resources. The key government agencies responsible for handling these benefits are….
Read moreNative American Beadwork | Traditional Beading History, Patterns & Styles
/ | 4 Comments on Native American Beadwork | Traditional Beading History, Patterns & StylesOne of the most common arts and crafts practiced by multiple Native American tribes included the decorative use of beads of various types. Generations before Europeans landed on the shores of the new world, Native American beadwork used primarily stone, shell, quills, and bone carved patiently with non-metal tools. As….
Read moreTop Native American Documentaries – Learn The Real Story of Native Culture in History and Today
/ | 18 Comments on Top Native American Documentaries – Learn The Real Story of Native Culture in History and TodayLearning with documentary movies and TV series captures the mind and helps you experience the truth about a particular time, place, or people in a more engaging way. Native American documentaries have shown glimpses of both historical events, individuals, and current issues that have to do with the first nation’s….
Read moreThe Media Doesn’t Show Everything! Here’s Some Aspects of Native American Communities You Won’t See on TV
/ | 9 Comments on The Media Doesn’t Show Everything! Here’s Some Aspects of Native American Communities You Won’t See on TVHere’s Some Aspects of Native American Communities You Won’t See on TV Being a part of the many Native American communities across the country means many things. How much do you know about Native American communities? You will be surprised at how negligible is the information you have about our….
Read moreWondering Why It’s Hard to Meet Tribal Membership Requirements? Here’s Why.
/ | 21 Comments on Wondering Why It’s Hard to Meet Tribal Membership Requirements? Here’s Why.There are many disenfranchised Native Americans who can’t meet tribal membership requirements. In addition, there are many people who have some degree of Native ancestry but do not meet the requirements for tribal enrollment. Tribal membership is an important formal recognition of personal heritage. For many, it’s a matter of….
Read moreNative American Museums — 10 of the Best in the US
/ | 61 Comments on Native American Museums — 10 of the Best in the USNative American museums are one of the best opportunities to experience and appreciate Native American history and culture, both past and present. Whether you live on the west coast, the east coast or somewhere in between, there are plenty of options across the U.S. to dive into. Sadly, many of….
Read moreCalifornia Native American Tribes Facts In Northern and Southern CA
/ | 15 Comments on California Native American Tribes Facts In Northern and Southern CAThe Native American Tribes of California There are 109 federally recognized Native American tribes in the state of California, more than 70 additional groups have petitioned for recognition. All have a unique history and culture. Here are the names and quick highlights of some of these. California is home to….
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