Tag: Movies
Filmed in Minnesota, New Adventure Film Features Native Cast
/ | Leave a CommentThere’s some familiar faces in this movie that looks like fun for the whole family! Kid West is a family-friendly adventure that follows “a young spitfire cowgirl, and her coolheaded Native American friend, as they race a gang of neighborhood bullies to find a mysterious treasure supposedly having mystical powers.”….
Read more »Songs My Brothers Taught Me – Lakota actors from Pine Ridge, Premiered at Sundance and Cannes Film Festivals
/ | 1 Comment on Songs My Brothers Taught Me – Lakota actors from Pine Ridge, Premiered at Sundance and Cannes Film FestivalsI’ve seen many people come to my reservation either to pursue a project or to gain insight on what life is like “on the rez”. Though many of these people were simply in search of a good story, through expose or even exploitation, what I found with the director/writer….
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